Welcome your Changing Mind

Come out, come out, wherever you are

Allow these steps and stones to lead the Perceiver in you from the linear consciousness of the brain-mind system so prone to materialism back to the vast spaciousness of the network where connection is the default. Here the heart-mind naturally changes its cadence as to be in accord with the ever-changing omnipresent essence of the Universe and true ecology of Earth. This change of “mind” comes with the territory of the Adult and the Path and the Way of this Course a mystic yet practical navigational guide to the rights and duties of this place on the Medicine Wheel.

As said, a primary skill of the Adult is simultaneously seeing “both ways”, the practical and the mystical, the realms of the physical and spiritual, for instance. In this one may discover your true path of Liberation, where everything is clothed in the most surprising ability to enable the Adult to give Life, beginning with initiation into a life you can call your own.

For now, perhaps you can see that your mind has been like the wheelbarrow making ruts as your intelligence tediously replants and harvests the known, which propagates ever-growing tension that produces anxiety and suffering. Furthermore, you can see how the entire world has been run aground, keeled over by the weight of over-aged adolescents addicted to the power in the West, almost as if to avoid taking in the collective cold, dark shadow forged of forgetting to undertake our Rites of Passage.  This is not judgment speaking, it is just the way it has been, the way it can be clearly seen with Discerning Awareness from behind the scenes, from behind the world of appearance that Siddhartha, upon his awakening, called Illusion.

We wish to clarify here that the true Adolescent is a valued member of Community and it is your duty as an over-aged adolescent to move over and make room for them. It is the Right of the Adolescent to struggle and seek independence, which you have already done, perhaps ad nauseam. And you are here, reading this, because frankly, you are sick and tired of the frustration come of its exhaustion and the gime gime of the exaggerated child nonetheless egging it on.

Clearly many are feeling the "brink of Existence" approaching and the insanity Einstein wrote as doing the same things over and again and expecting something different to come of it.  One may have many different adventures, lifestyles, partners, experiences, yet if each is approached and responded to in the same way, funneled into the same deeply rutted channel of perception formed of the vague memories of a child, there is no change, no movement away from the brink, and no real difference made in the world at large nor, more importantly, the inner landscape. For these can only work as “both”- the inner and outer cannot be independent of each other.

And it is this absence of truly diverse experience inherent in the over-aged adolescent that produces “lack”, making them a poor choice as leaders, as parents –not unlike giving a monkey a pack of matches near a gas station. One may also see that our world is run by grey-haired ones in wool suits - wolves in sheep’s clothing, which speaks not badly of our brother and sister wolves, but of misunderstanding. Yet in the words of David Crosby, the damage is done now, the ruts clearly laying out how not to live life, a valuable lesson that when taken in, gives the heartbreaking 2x4, the false rite of passage, the deep six.

The planet does not need more "successful" people. .
It needs people who live well in their places.

The Adult is recognized as one whose “poles” have shifted, for one who can see both ways is free of the clap of Duality the adolescent was prone to. An additional function of this shift is to sober up our spun out DNA, which is And spelled backwards. And this shift may well garner you a front row seat with the Unconscious in the Unknown. But fear not, for believe it or not, the Unknown is tension free. And the primary function of the Unconscious to maintain and emit the “codes” that shaped your body to what it is today and perhaps what it is to be, which can be hampered when the body is in poor health. Yet and still, you might be feeling nervous to make the shift but it is here that seeking becomes experience, experience becomes knowing, knowing becomes being and being certain of its part in the wholeness that encompasses the entire Universe that eventually alleviates the strain of “becoming” all together.

This ritual education, this rhythmic entrainment of cadence and patience is also a quantum, alchemical and metaphysical bridge to your Enlightenment which allows one to constantly adjust oneself to the moment rather than demanding it adjust to you. The natural outcome of this is the expansion of your ability to fully perceive the eternal Present. And in doing so, you can relax now.

The Enlightened one is simply he, she or they that understands their role and function and plays it well fully knowing it is an act - yet a purposeful one. And from this arises true Happiness, a different order of reality not aligned with the laws of polarity that deems things good or bad. In fact, Happiness is comprised of at least 6 sensory dimensions, which we speak of further along in the Course. Enlightenment is not really that big a deal, yet your right and duty to maintain as an Adult and a prerequisite for true Happiness.

One of the reasons some people fear Enlightenment is that one day in the busy collecting and exploring of extended adolescence you suddenly came to realize that your childhood had ended and this was very confusing. For some, this was a shock even, a trauma, for there was no Rite of Passage to support the transition. For others it came with a sense of betrayal or abandonment; how could it be so? How could Innocence and Love be plucked from my world just because I wandered from the Path? And of course, one is not eager to repeat this, to be enlightened as you were as a child only to have it hammered out of you again. But the shift has already happened and if you resist it will only hurt and so do your best to move right along in Togetherness as all painful consequences come of bad judgment leaves you with nothing but the lessons for living a good life as an Initiated Adult. Here you are not simply handed fish over and again but learn how to catch the big fish for yourself.

How do we do this? With the power of The Word, story, imagery and sound, the Course of Changing Mind drips the complex and seemingly incomprehensible into your simplifying, clarifying container of Awareness that produces Understanding. And as one goes deeper into Understanding you hear your own heart naturally beating with the energy of Earth, the central pulse of Gaia Intelligence commonly spoken as "follow your heart" which, in the simplest form, is a call to imitate its rhythmic, balanced dance of the ever-changing omnipresent; emulating its pattern language of expansion and contraction just as a flower adjusts to the flow and floods of light and dark, hot and cold. In Understanding one also becomes Aware of what it is to be truly selfish - doing things in the world without needing the fruits it of.

True Selfishness is not living your life as you wish.
It is the Divine Power to shape Reality to its Pure Purpose.

Now this may sound all serious, but really it not much different than Play, which is to do things simply for the Joy of it. And so, another level of our mission can be encased in the saying May All Beings Be Happy, come what May. The state of pure happiness comes when Pain and the “unhappy me” part ways, necessary for ones spiritual needs to be met. In one so spiritually quenched, Pain becomes a great ally, an assistant that ensures your physical needs are naturally, easily met. And in this state it also comes to you that money is easy to make, that you can pay the light bill with Ease and Grace, and that your words and actions can truly help you and others, uncommonly known as Abundance, which relies not on what or how much you have but how much enjoyment you can actually receive from the simplest act.

The River is flowing very fast now and your help is needed. But just like on an airplane you must put your oxygen mask on first. Breath deeply now and open your eyes, see that you have been lost, off-track; that you actually adjusted to the culture of Disconnection as for it to appear normal. Fear not. This Course of Changing Mind will walk with you through the Medicine Wheel, through the Eight-fold path, through the Pathway to Peace and many other ancient teachings, at times pointing out little care packages along the way though it is you who must pick them up to nourish your Spirit as you learn to live with non-physical matters in a good way. And as we walk we gently release the scales of ignorance that naturally fall away as the iridescence of Enlightenment emerges.

Enlightenment, in the hands of the Adult
is the ultimate matchmaker.

A true Adult has a good understanding of the Mystical, which you will begin apprenticing with in this course right alongside the Practical. Our meta-mission at Changing Mind is We make the "woo-woo" work for You, wooing the How of the Known and the Wow of the Unknown in simultaneous measure as to absorb one another into Union as the Now (which you will notice is the root of both the known and unknown). This mission is simple, which can be difficult for those addicted to complexity and struggle. But in taking this first step towards your threshold, you are well on the way to all addiction being alleviated, including the addiction to dissatisfaction.

The guiding thread of any journey is Intention, which may look like improving physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, working with addictions, parenting, relationships, finding a partner, building a business or gaining more guidance and clarity in general.  This is a level of reality that is completely up to you yet the ultimate purpose of setting your intention is to align your very cells with the very first impulse of Creativity that originates in and permeates the whole of existence. Going this far back is likely beyond your current capacity to truly comprehend yet it is here that the Source that fully backs Will exists.

The intention of this Course is that you come into your rights and duties as an Adult, populate your Self with Values, take Understanding and Responsibility as your natural habitat, accept and grow the gifts of Patience and Purity and broaden your bandwidth of Perception to Essence. And in doing so, be a good wind to send along to the Future. And we will meet you halfway, as a sail meets the wind. A good place to begin is with Respect, the first protocol of Ceremony. To be unhappy and to lead a life of misery is to show a lack of respect, for ourselves and Pachamama, and to spurn the teachings.  With the teachings at your sides, that is to say, both the inside and the outside, as in the words of my guru, Dr. Seuss, “oh the places you will go.”

As such, please take in this video to get a handle on the power of the Word as you set out to play upon this Course.


 And so we say Thank You
which is also to say, You Are Welcome Here.

If you have not already done so,
click here now to book your passage to Adulthood

  Original content under common copyright Neith Arrow/Changing Mind 2019
neith@changingmind.co               http://www.changingmind.co



  • Welcome Your Changing Mind
    Welcome Your Changing Mind

    Welcome your Changing Mind into the vastness of this "hearty" network. It might be feeling nervous to step into the Unknown so we will give some comfort in the form of something familiar...Come out, come out, wherever you are.